Listening Tests

Listening Tests for Language Levels
Our free Listening Tests will help you practice your ability to comprehend different speakers in your language of choice. And the assessment you receive at the end will give you a good idea of your current listening ability.
Elementary level
Our Elementary-level Listening Test is aimed at Beginner, Elementary, and Pre-Intermediate proficiency learners; the latter is the highest rank you can receive.
Actors speak clearly and slowly to enable ease of understanding. Discussion topics are relatively simple and straightforward; usually just one or two sentences, but the questions get harder as the test progresses.
The test comprises 12 sections, each with several multiple-choice questions. You can answer them in any order and can listen to the audio files as many times as you’d like.
Intermediate level
The Intermediate-level Listening Test is aimed at language learners of Pre-Intermediate and up. The format of the test is similar to the Elementary level. However, there are only 3 sections this time, but audio files are longer, actors speak more quickly, and discussions are more complex, including someone recounting their weekend, a job interview, and a professional presentation.
Like the Elementary Listening Test, you can answer questions in any order and take as long as you need.
Tailored tests for your organization
If you want to gauge the listening level of a number of language learning employees or students, we can help! Contact us with your organization’s details and your language learning requirements, and we will build a FREE and tailored listening test for your entire business!
Without any charge or obligation to enroll on one of our courses, we will create a custom listening test which you can share with your language learning personnel. Each learner need only follow the custom URL, which we will send to you, and then complete the multiple-choice listening test at a time and place that is convenient to them and to you. After we have received everyone’s results, we will send you a summary of each individual’s current listening ability, with advice about how they can continue their learning even more effectively.
Continue your language assessment
Language Level Tests
Listening to foreign-language speakers is just one part of assessing your language ability. A key area to develop is grammar comprehension. These skills are essential for constructing meaningful sentences and phrases in both written and speech form, as well as to understand others. Discover your current capability with our FREE Language Level Tests.
Reading Tests
We are working on bringing you a reading assessment soon!.