
Icelandic Classes with Native Icelandic Tutors

You can be trained by our native-speaking fully-qualified, locally-based Icelandic tutors at a time and location to suit you. These highly personalised Icelandic lessons can take place any day -even weekends- and can be organised in the morning, afternoon or evening. If taking lessons at your home or office is not convenient, there is always the option to take classes at the office of your teacher.

Reviews Of Our Icelandic Courses

Hakon was an excellent teacher and we hope to study with him again in the future. We are very happy to have had the opportunity to work with him and Language Trainers!
Jill Lueders
Icelandic course Online
The lessons have been great. Anna is fantastic and we love working with her. We signed up for these classes because we are hoping to travel to Iceland at the end of the year and want to be able to communicate with the locals.
Rebecca Wilson
Icelandic course Online