Games to improve your foreign language skills.
Learning a language is just as much about having fun as it is staying committed. If you have a few minutes to spare, why not try your luck at some of our free trivia games? They’re a good laugh and will test your knowledge of our great and varied global community.
Learning a language would be boring if all you ever did was revise vocabulary and practice verb conjugation. It should be varied and interesting, which is why our expert teachers design tailor-made courses to suit your learning needs and preferences. But having fun with a language doesn’t need to be restricted to class hours! Explore our fun games and trivia for some quick and stimulating activities to keep you feeling inspired.
Test your ability to distinguish accents around the world, challenge yourself to correctly identify all the world’s national flags or sit back and learn about the best coffee around the globe. Our games and trivia are short, fun and educational tools to celebrate our shared love of languages and champion our wonderful global community.
Accent Game
How good are you at identifying accents from around the world?
While more individuals speak Mandarin than any other language on the planet, English is undoubtedly the most widely spoken language. It is the first language in 112 countries; that’s more than half the nations in the world. And while Spanish is behind French and Arabic for the number of states in which it is the first language, it has a comparable number of speakers to English: approximately 329,000,000 worldwide.
Fancy a coffee?
No matter where you travel, you’ll still need your morning cup of coffee!
The human race is mad for coffee and Australians and Kiwis are no exception. In Australia, approximately 75 per cent of the adult population admits to drinking coffee regularly. That figure is less in New Zealand at 52 per cent, but those that drink it often believe they consume more of it.
Guess the Flag
Is that Guinea or Gana? Malawi or Madagascar? Can YOU connect each flag to its country?
How many of the world’s nations’ flags do you think you can confidently identify? Can you tell the Colombian flag from the Venezuelan one? What about the subtle difference between the Ivory Coast and Ireland? And which red, white and black flag has the stars: Yemen or Syria?. Heck, even the Australian and New Zealand banners are similar to the untrained eye!.