Online English Language Level Test Total tests taken so far: 57224. Average score: 42/70
We have designed this test to assess your present English level. You will be presented with up to 70 questions in sets of 10. You can answer as few sets as you like but the more questions you answer, the more accurately we can evaluate your current language level.
Read more about our language levels.
Test instructions
Questions cover a range of grammar and comprehension skills—including verb conjugation, prepositions, tense, etc.—and become progressively more difficult as you advance. Answers are presented in multiple-choice form. Choose the answer you believe to be correct for each question. Please do not guess as it might negatively influence your result. If you are unsure of a question, select “I don't know”.
After you have completed each set of 10 questions, you can request the next set by clicking “CONTINUE WITH 10 MORE QUESTIONS”. Or, if you want to end the test, click “Get My Test Results”. If you answer all 70 questions, you will only have the option to click “Get My Test Results” on the final page.
Getting your results
After ending the test and completing our short form, your results will display on your screen. You will receive one of the following language level ratings depending on the number of correct answers you submitted:
General levels
(You have zero to limited knowledge of the language)
(You understand some simple and common expressions and can interact at a basic level.)
(You can communicate generally about yourself and your background, and can use and understand phrases concerning areas of immediate relevance.)
(You can handle most situations that are likely to occur while travelling and can discuss conditional subjects, such as hopes, dreams, and desires.)
(You understand the main points of abstract and technical subjects. You can discuss a range of topics and neither party will struggle with the communication.)
(You can connect complex ideas and communicate in professional and academic settings without obviously struggling.)
What to do with your results
Upon revealing your language level, we also show which questions you answered incorrectly. This is to make it easy for you to spot your mistakes and to improve. This will also be very useful for your English teacher if you decide to take a course with Language Trainers. (of course, you can also take your results and show them to any other English teacher too). To enquire about one of our language courses, contact us here.
Good luck and have fun!