
Case Studies: Clients

Chris Foord

Chris’ Path to Fluency

Language Trainers: Hello, Chris! Thank you for taking the time to share your experience today. Could you tell us a little about you and the language you chose to learn and why?

Chris Foord: I am Australian, aged 73 years, and have a Thai partner. We will be moving permanently to Thailand as soon as Covid restrictions on travel are lifted. So, obviously, I need to be able to speak Thai. Learning a language is also very good for keeping the mind active. I have learned both French and Papua New Guinea pidgin languages during my times living in those countries.

Language Trainers: Great! Speaking Thai will allow you to experience Thailand in a way that most other visitors can’t. And what attracted you to learn with Language Trainers?

Chris Foord: I wanted to be taught by a real person and native Thai speaker as opposed to a computer program. After searching the internet, I decided Language Trainers offered what I was looking for. It also gave me the option of taking a free lesson to check out the teacher.

Language Trainers: What is your favourite thing about studying with Language Trainers?

Chris Foord: The flexibility of lessons for both me and the teacher. I am a busy man running a company and have many variables as regards meetings and travel, so I sometimes need to reschedule. I also like the flexibility of the interaction and learning process depending on questions that arise and the direction that each lesson goes in. I am also able to get the teacher to repeat the pronunciation of words and write them phonetically, so I can recall how to pronounce them when revising. It is also enjoyable because you get to know the teacher and hear a bit about their lives. Kingkarn is a very good teacher with excellent English language skills and a friendly, effervescent, positive manner.

Language Trainers: It’s great to know that Kingkarn was such a good match for you! And what was the most helpful aspect of your course?

Chris Foord: Everything is written down and the words are colour-coded, so it is easy to see what part of the Thai sentence relates to the English translation. Each lesson is then emailed to me in Word/PDF.

Language Trainers: That’s a great learning technique if you are a visual learner. And what has been your most rewarding outcome from this experience?

Chris Foord: I think I have started to learn to speak the basics of Thai fairly quickly which is always rewarding and encouraging. It’s not nearly as complicated as French.

Language Trainers: How much do you believe your language ability has improved? Have you had an opportunity to use your new skills in the real world?

Chris Foord: Yes, I have learnt over 50 verbs, plenty of vocabulary and the way sentences are constructed in Thai and am able to formulate sentences fairly easily. And yes, I use my new-found skills by conversing with my partner online every day.

Language Trainers: What a great experience, Chris! Thank you very much!

Chris Foord: You're welcome!