How to Prepare for the Australian Citizenship Test with Language Trainers
Obtaining citizenship can be a lengthy, confusing process, wherever you are headed in the world — including Australia. The Australian Citizenship Test incorporates both an assessment of your English skills and your knowledge of the country. So as well as learning about the place that is going to be your home, you might have to get to grips with an entirely new language as well! Have no fear, we are here to help! Here’s how studying English with Language Trainers can help you prepare for the Australian Citizenship Test.

How are you preparing for the citizenship test? / photo via Pixabay
Language requirements
In order to apply for Australian citizenship, you will need to demonstrate that you can communicate competently in English. There are a number of tests available that will provide suitable certification for your application. Though, which of the tests should you choose?
The IELTS is by far the most widely recognised proficiency test you will find in the world, closely followed by the TOEFL iBT. The CAE, which like IELTS is a test provided by Cambridge, ensures your English is at C1 level, and that you are ready for employment or education. Alternatively, if your profession is healthcare, you might consider the specifically-designed industry test, the OET. Lastly, if you’re looking for a test with a quick turnaround, the PTE is ideal. This test is computer-based and will have the results back to you in five days, far quicker than any of the others.
What level?
The Australian Citizenship Test requires different levels for each of these tests, which can get confusing! For IELTS you need a score of 6.5 or higher. For the TOEFL iBT, results must be 12 for listening, 13 for reading, 21 for writing, and 18 for speaking. The CAE needs you to hit a target of 169 in each of the four components. The OET needs a B at a minimum across the board. And the last test, the PTE, requires 50 for each part of the test. Those are a lot of numbers to remember! Your Language Trainer tutor can not only give guidance on which test is most suitable for you, but will also help you navigate all these different targets.

Have you decided which test to take yet? / photo via Flickr
What is tested?
Each of the above tests have their own criteria that will test your understanding of English writing, reading, speaking, and comprehension. And since each testing method is very different, navigating a test paper is yet another skill you will have to master. But, please don’t worry! Tailor-made courses with our tutors mean an initial assessment of your level and needs, and guidance with all aspects of your study. Once you decide on a test route, your course is crafted to suit. Perhaps you need to strengthen only your written skills, or you are already confident in writing and comprehension but struggle with listening and speaking. Whatever you need, and however best suits you for studying, our tutors are on hand to guide you through.
The great thing about a course designed specifically for you, is that between you and your tutor, you get to decide your study content. Perhaps you want to work on practice papers for the IELTS. Or maybe you would prefer to expand on your knowledge of Australia as you learn English. If your work involves presentations and you are nervous about giving these in English for the first time, your tutor will create the perfect environment in which to practice. Emigration can be stressful enough; let our study programmes take the worry of language skills off your hands!

Language Trainers hopes you’ll join us soon in Australia! / photo via Wikimedia
Getting involved
We all know that immersion in another language is the best way to become fluent and confident. Equally, we know that it is the hurdle to communicating with others that can be the most difficult part of language learning to overcome. One-on-one tuition with our tutors not only gives you the opportunity to practice English with someone face to face, but can also give you the confidence to deal with everyday situations in English as well. Our methods of learning aren’t confined to textbooks and repetitive tasks in classrooms. Your tutor could guide you through navigating questions at a job interview, or help you with practical skills like buying tickets at the train station. What other method of study can give you first-hand, real life experience like that?
Why not take our free online English level test to see where you are already with your language skills? Drop us an inquiry to find out more about signing up for course tailor-made courses.