5 Reasons Your Friends and Family Should Visit You Abroad
It’s been a few weeks now and you’re just now settling into the rhythm of things in your new city, speaking a new language. But no matter how long you’ve lived somewhere, it’s always nice to receive visitors, right? Not only is it great for your friends and family to take advantage of your time spent living abroad, but these visits can also be beneficial for you, as well. Here are 5 reasons why you should encourage your friends, family and anyone else who has the time and money to visit you while you live abroad:
1. It may help you gain a new perspective on your life away from home
It’s common to gain a new perspective on your life and work abroad when you have reminders of what home was/is like. Sometimes, a refresher on what waits for you outside of your new home is good for reinvigorating your passion for living abroad in the first place. Plus, it may remind you of why you chose to leave and start a new adventure.

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2. It could ward off feelings of homesickness (if you have any)
Maybe you’ve experienced a bit of homesickness, or you will in the future. Being surrounded my family and friends is always nice. But, you’re quickly reminded that you really aren’t missing out on much at home, generally-speaking. Everyone is doing the same things as before, more or less. This can be especially nice to remember when those occasional pangs of homesickness come knocking.
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3. It may help you feel proud of the new life you’ve created
By showing your friends and family around your new home, it may spark feelings of pride and accomplishment for you. Maybe you’ve mastered a language, a city’s culture, or even just a new job or school situation. Regardless, your friends and family will likely be very proud of you, which always feels good.

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4. It may encourage you to continue to live abroad
Especially if the visits come at a time when you aren’t sure if you want to continue living away from home or not, an encouraging visit from loved ones at home may push you to continue living abroad. It’s important to remember that you can always move home; you may not always have the opportunity to live abroad, so only leave when you’re truly ready. Having loved ones see you in your new habitat can help you realise that.
5. It could bring you closer to your friends and family, even through the distance
Having great experiences together while you’re abroad can create wonderful memories to look back on forever. Your friends will appreciate you taking time to show them around and introduce them to your new life. And, having your loved ones around you while abroad could change your perspective about the new life you’ve created. You might realise just much you love your new country of residence, and appreciate how much it’s changed you.

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Visits from loved ones could be helpful for everyone involved. Consider inviting visitors to see you while you’re abroad, and remember that these visits could end up changing your life, too.
How have visits from loved ones affected you while you’re abroad? Please share your stories with us in the comments below!