19 Italian Sayings About Friendship, Romance and Life

Italian idioms are a huge part of daily conversation. According to a study by the University of Siena, Italians use these expressions almost twice as often as other Europeans. This blog explores 19 popular Italian sayings that capture the essence of Italian humour, values and wisdom.

Dive in to discover the unique perspectives Italian sayings and idioms have to offer.

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Italian Idioms About Life

1.   L’abito non fa il monaco

English Translation: The clothing does not make the monk.
English Equivalent: Don’t judge a book by its cover.

This Italian saying emphasises that appearances can be deceiving. Just as a monk’s habit doesn’t necessarily indicate his true character or piety, a person’s outward appearance or clothing doesn’t reveal their true nature or worth.

2.   Chi si volta, e chi si gira, sempre a casa va finire

English Translation: Those who turn and those who turn around always end up at home.
English Equivalent: All roads lead to Rome.

This Italian idiom highlights the idea that no matter what path one takes in life, they often find themselves back to their origins or familiar places. It suggests a sense of inevitability and comfort in returning to one’s roots or home.

3.   Chi nasce tondo non può morir quadrato

English Translation: Who is born round cannot die square.
English Equivalent: A leopard cannot change its spots.

This phrase conveys the idea that people are unlikely to change their fundamental nature. Just as a round object cannot become square, a person’s inherent traits and characteristics are often fixed and unalterable.

4.   Occhio non vede, cuore non duole

English Translation: What the eye doesn’t see, the heart doesn’t grieve over.
English Equivalent: Out of sight, out of mind.

This saying suggests that what we are unaware of cannot hurt us emotionally. It implies that ignorance can sometimes be a form of bliss, as not knowing about certain problems or issues can prevent emotional pain.

5.   Nessuna nuova, buona nuova

English Translation: No news is good news.

This idiom expresses the idea that when there is no information or news about a situation, it is likely that everything is going well. It reassures that in the absence of bad news, things are presumed to be fine.

Italian Sayings About Love and Romance

6.    Amore non è senza amaro

English Translation: Love is not without bitterness.
English Equivalent: Love is bittersweet.

This saying acknowledges that love, while often a source of great joy, also comes with its challenges and hardships. It reflects the understanding that true love includes both pleasure and pain.

7.    Sfortunato al gioco, fortunato in amore

English Translation: Unlucky at cards, lucky in love.

This idiom suggests that those who are not fortunate in gambling or games of chance often find better luck in matters of the heart. It implies a balance in life, where luck in one area compensates for lack of it in another.

8.    Chi si assomiglia si piglia

English Translation: Those who resemble each other, take each other.
English Equivalent: Birds of a feather flock together.

This Italian saying means that people with similar traits, interests, or backgrounds are naturally drawn to each other. It highlights the idea that compatibility often stems from shared characteristics and common ground in relationships.

9.    Amore e gelosia nacquero insieme

English Translation: Love and jealousy were born together.This phrase acknowledges that deep affection is frequently accompanied by feelings of jealousy, illustrating the strong emotions that love can evoke. It reflects the fiery and passionate nature of Italian romance, where love is often intense and all-encompassing.

10. L’amore si misura in piatti cucinati

English Translation: Love is measured in cooked dishes.
English Equivalent: The way to a man’s heart is through his stomach.

This saying underscores the cultural significance of food in Italian expressions of love. It suggests that cooking for someone is a tangible and heartfelt way to show affection. In Italy, preparing and sharing meals is a cherished tradition, and this idiom reflects the importance of culinary gestures in nurturing romantic relationships. While the English proverb above is a possible English equivalent, we like its Italian counterpart better. It’s less sexist and more universal!

Italian Sayings About Family

11.  Amor di madre, amore senza limiti

English Translation: A mother’s love is limitless / knows no bounds
This Italian saying highlights the profound and boundless nature of a mother’s love. In Italian culture, the family unit is incredibly important, and a mother’s dedication and affection are seen as central to family life.

  1. L’affetto verso i genitori è fondamento di ogni virtù

English Translation: Affection towards parents is the foundation of all virtues.

In Italian culture, honouring and caring for parents is considered a fundamental virtue. This Italian idiom emphasises the importance of filial piety and respect for one’s parents as the basis of moral and ethical behaviour.

  1. Tale padre, tale figlio

English Translation: Like father, like son.

This saying points out that children often resemble their parents in behaviour, character, and values. It reflects the cultural belief in the strong influence of family and upbringing on an individual’s traits and actions.

14. Una buona mamma vale cento maestre

English Translation: A good mother is worth a hundred teachers.

In Italian culture, mothers are often regarded as the cornerstone of the family, responsible for instilling values, teaching life skills, and providing emotional support. This Italian idiom celebrates the role of mothers as primary educators and nurturers.

15. La famiglia è tutto

English Translation: Family is everything.

This straightforward yet powerful Italian saying reflects the central role of family in Italian life. It emphasises the importance of familial relationships and the idea that family provides support, love, and a sense of belonging. In Italy, family is often seen as the most significant and enduring aspect of life.

Italian Sayings About Friendship

16. Chi trova un amico, trova un tesoro

English Translation: He who finds a friend, finds a treasure.

In Italian culture, friendship is highly valued, and true friends are considered rare and invaluable. This Italian saying simply states that finding a genuine friend is as precious as discovering a treasure.

17. L’amico vero si vede nel momento del bisogno

English Translation: A true friend is seen in times of need.

The loyalty and support of friends during hardships are the hallmark of true friendship. This Italian idiom underscores the idea that genuine friends reveal themselves during difficult times.

18. Gli amici sono la famiglia che scegliamo noi stessi

English Translation: Friends are the family we choose.

This Italian saying reflects the belief that close friends can be as important and supportive as family members. In Italian culture, friendships are often deeply valued, and close friends are considered an extended family, chosen for their loyalty, support, and shared experiences.

19. L’amico è colui che sa tutto di te e nonostante questo continua a esserti amico

English Translation: A friend is someone who knows everything about you and still remains your friend.

This Italian saying emphasises the unconditional acceptance that defines true friendship. It suggests that real friends accept each other with all their flaws and imperfections, continuing to offer support and companionship.

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Italian sayings reflect the values, humour, and wisdom that characterise the Italian way of living. Language and culture are inseparable; understanding these idioms offers deeper insights into the societal norms and traditions of Italy.

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